
7/17 Impact Wrestling Slammiversary results: Powell's live review of Kenny Omega vs. Sami Callihan in a No DQ match for the Impact World Championship, Deonna Purrazzo defends the Knockouts Championship against a mystery challenger, Ultimate X -

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling Slammiversary
Aired live July 17, 2021 on pay-per-view and FITE.TV
Nashville, Tennessee at Skyway Studios

Impact Wrestling Slammiversary Pre-Show

Forty-three minutes into the pre-show, they went to the studio where the broadcast team of Matt Striker and D-Lo Brown checked in from ringside…

1. Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz vs. Havok and Rosemary (w/Crazzy Steve, Black Taurus) for the Knockouts Tag Titles. David Penzer was the ring announcer. The ring ropes were yellow and the Ultimate X structure was set up. Striker said he saw one of the surprise wrestlers who would appear on the main show and could not believe who it was.

Rosemary was isolated by the champions for a good portion of the match before she finally made a hot tag. Havok kicked Steelz and then caught her going for a huracanrana, which she countered into a buckle bomb. Steelz dodged a charging Havok, who crashed into the corner.

The broadcast team noted that Hogan was legal after making a blind tag. Steelz performed a big dive from the top rope onto Rosemary and Steve on the floor. Hogan worked over Havok inside the ring. Hogan put Havok in a sleeper, but she no-sold it and countered into her tombstone piledriver and scored the pin…

Havok and Rosemary defeated Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz in 8:55 to win the Knockouts Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: The title match was a mild surprise if only because Hogan and Steelz regained the belts in May following a Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering reign that lasted less than a month. There are a few rows of fans on each side of the ring along with some fans on the hard camera side. The pre-show consisted of the match and was preceded by the This Is Slammiversary special.

The broadcast team ran through the pay-per-view lineup…

Impact Wrestling Slammiversary Main Card

A video package opened the show… Footage aired from earlier in the day of Kenny Omega and Sami Callihan making separate arrivals at the building… Matt Striker and D-Lo Brown were on commentary, and Dave Penzer was the ring announcer for the main card…

2. Josh Alexander vs. Petey Williams vs. Trey Miguel vs. Ace Austin vs. Chris Bey vs. Rohit Raju in an Ultimate X match for the X Division Championship. The broadcast team noted that Madman Fulton and Mahabali Shera were both banned from ringside for the match. Bey made an early unsuccessful play for the belt that was hanging above the ring on the red cables.

Bey performed a nice flip dive onto Alexander on the floor, then stood and waited for Williams to perform a huracanrana from the ring on him. Moments later, Raju shoved Austin off the ropes and he did a moonsault onto a pile of wrestlers on the floor. Raju put powder or chalk on his hands after slipping earlier, then hooked a rope over the capes and pulled himself up, but Williams returned to the ring and pulled him down.

Bey made a play for the belt, but Miguel climbed the cable behind him while Raju climbed to the top rope behind them. Miguel went for a huracanrana on Raju, who held on in the corner and then knocked Bay off the cables. Raju tried to use a rod with a hook on it to get the belt down, but it didn’t work. He got a chair and set it up in the middle of the ring and tried again, but Miguel hit him with a missile dropkick.

A short time later, Raju put Miguel in a Crossface while Williams simultaneously put him in a Sharpshooter. Miguel tapped, but it doesn’t count in an Ultimate X. There was a wild spot with Alexander hanging upside down from the cables while he put Bey in an ankle lock. Raju ended up knocking Alexander off the cables with a chair.

Austin climbed to the top rope and had Bey right behind him. Austin ended up hanging upside down on the cables, and then Bey leapt from the top rope and speared him, which drew “holy shit” chants from the crowd followed by a brief “this is awesome” chant.

Williams took out Raju and then Miguel with Canadian Destroyers. Williams made a play for the belt. Alexander put Bey on his shoulders and stood underneath Williams, who performed a Canadian Destroyer from the cables on Bey into the ring for another “holy shit” chant. Wow.

Raju made a play for the belt a short time later, but Miguel pulled him down and performed mutliple moves on him. Miguel went to the ropes where he was cut off by Alexander, who suplexed him off the top rope. Bey climbed the cables and then Alexander came from the opposite side. They both hung upside down and traded blows while also trying to take the belt down. They unhooked the belt. Austin dove and tried to grab the belt, but they pulled it up. Alexander knocked Bey off the cables and had possession of the belt to win the match.

Josh Alexander defeated Chris Bey, Rohit Raju, Petey Williams, Trey Miguel, and Ace Austin in 15:45 in an Ultimate X match to retain the X Division Championship.

Powell’s POV: Great effort from everyone involved. There were some contrived looking spots, but the athleticism and innovation was off the charts. It was strange that they spent a good portion of the build playing up the threat that the heels posed due to having Rohit Raju and Madman Fulton at ringside only for both men to be banned from ringside for the actual match, but I was never big on the idea of a bunch of outside interference anyway.

The broadcast team ran through the rest of the lineup…

Gia Miller interviewed Don Callis outside of Kenny Omega’s locker room. Callis said he was concerned that the main event carries a No DQ stipulation and Omega is facing a garbage wrestler in Sami Callihan. Callis said Callihan may be a dangerous man, but Omega is a god. Callis said Callihan will do his worst, but he can’t kick out of One Winged Angel. Callis said that would be the difference in the match…

A video package aired on the build to the mixed tag match…

3. Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green vs. Brian Myers (w/Sam Beale) and Tenille Dashwood (w/Kaleb) in a mixed tag match. Striker said Cardona and Dashwood were in a relationship years ago that fizzled out. Green was the mystry partner and she was in “Hot Mess” mode, but not full Laurel Van Ness mode. Striker pointed out the cast on Green’s left arm and said she was cleared by the Impact doctor. Green and Dashwood traded slaps to start the match.

Myers got the better of Cardona until he ran into a spear. Both men tagged out. Green got the better of Dashwood and had her pinned, but Myers pulled her off. Brown gushed about Impact trending number two in the world. A short time later, Dashwood went for a low blow on Cardona, but sold arm pain. Cardona revealed that he was wearing a protective cup, which he shoved in the face of Myers.

Green performed a Canadian Destroyer on Myers. Cardona performed a flip dive on Myers and Beale on the floor. Dashwood went for an Unprettier on Green, who escaped and low blowed her. Green followed up with an Unprettier and scored the pin…

Matt Cardona and Chelsea Green defeated Brian Myers and Tenille Dashwood in 6:05 in a mixed tag match.

Powell’s POV: A live crowd pleasing mixed tag match. Impact all but told viewers that Green would be teaming with Cardona on television this week, which isn’t a bad thing since they likely sold some extra pay-per-views by doing so.

A video package set up the W Morrissey vs. Eddie Edwards match…

4. W Morrissey vs. Eddie Edwards. Before the match, Striker said Morrissey has tried to injure everyone he’s been in the ring with. He said that if Morrissey tried that with Edwards, he’d have a line of wrestlers after him because Edwards is the heart and soul of the company. The crowd sang along with Edwards’ entrance theme prior to the match.

Edwards ducked Morrissey clotheslines and worked him over with chops to start. Morrissey cut off his offense with a fallaway slam. Striker plugged Impact returning to Skyway Studios from August 15-17 and said fans would be in the venue.

Later, Morrissey put his foot on Edwards chest, pulled him up by his arms, and then stomped him back to the mat. Morrissey brought up Edwards being the heart and soul of Impact and then hit him with shots to the chest. Morrissey set up for a suplex, but Edwards reversed it. The match went to ringside where Morrissey chokeslammed Edwards onto the edge of the apron.

Morrissey brought Edwards to the stage and set up for a powerbomb, but Edwards backdropped him. Edwards ran down the ramp and hit his Boston Knee Party finisher on Morrissey on the floor. Both men beat the referee’s count by returning to the ring. Morrissey went back on the offensive and set up for a move on the ropes, but Edwards headbutted him and then performed a sunset bomb.

Edwards performed a Blue Thunder Bomb on Morrissey for a near fall. Edwards set up for his finisher, but Morrissey pulled the referee in front of him. Morrissey ran the ropes and hit a big boot that led to a near fall. Morrissey set up for a powerbomb, but Edwards countered into a pin for a two count. Edwards hit the Boston Knee Party, which sent Morrissey to ringside.

Morrissey pulled a chain out of his boot and hit Edwards with it while the referee was shielded. Morrissey returned to the ring and powerbombed Edwards before pinning him…

W Morrissey defeated Eddie Edwards in 11:00.

Powell’s POV: A decent match with the right guy going over. Morrissey is off to a good start in Impact and there was no reason to derail his monster heel push. Plus, they did it in a way that protected Edwards and created the need for a rematch if they want to go there.

A pre-taped Moose promo aired. He spoke about facing Chris Sabin and said he would face the consequences… A video aired with someone destroying a “Long Live The Drama King” poster… Gia Miller interviewed a fan named Miguel, who won a super fan contest…

Madman Fulton and Mahabali Shera made their entrance to cut the fan interview short. Scott D’Amore’s entrance music (yes, really) played and he walked onto the stage. D’Amore played to the fans by saying he was happy to see them back in the Impact Zone. D’Amore assumed that Fulton and Shera were read for action and then introduced their opponents…

5. Juice Robinson and David Finlay vs. Madman Fulton and Mahabali Shera. Striker said Robinson and Finlay represent New Japan Pro Wrestling, “but they are Impact.” Fulton and Shera bickered with one another during the opening minute. Robinson and Finlay went over moments later…

Juice Robinson and David Finlay beat Madman Fulton and Mahabali Shera in 1:15.

Powell’s POV: I’m more excited about Robinson and Finlay presumably taking part in the Impact tapings than I was about this quick throwaway match.

A video package set up the Moose and Chris Sabin match…

6. Moose vs. Chris Sabin. Brown called Sabin a future Hall of Famer. Moose was dominant during the opening minutes of the match. Moose sat Sabin on the apron and then hooked his arms on the ropes and hit him with loud chops twice. Moose teased doing it again and then flipped off the crowd. Sabin fought back, but Moose dropkicked him.

Sabin eventually came back and performed a tornado DDT for a near fall. Moose caught Sabin on the ropes and performed a fallaway moonsault slam, which drew “holy shot” chants. Sabin rolled to the floor to avoid being pinned. The broadcast team rightfully marveled over Moose being able to perform the move at his size. Moose rag dolled Sabin into the barricade multiple times. Back inside the ring, Sabin caught Moose in a pin for the upset win…

Chris Sabin defeated Moose in roughly 12:00.

Powell’s POV: A surprising outcome given that Moose has been positioned as a top heel and recently re-signed with the company. It’s nothing he can’t bounce back from, and it’s a good win for Sabin. I like the move because Sabin felt like a tag team wrestler who was killing time while waiting for one of his partners (Alex Shelley or James Storm) to return. This win should elevate Sabin as a singles wrestlers in the eyes of many viewers.

The broadcast team recapped the Knockouts Tag Title change from the pre-show… Rosemary, Havok, Crazzy Steve, and Black Taurus delivered a backstage promo… A video package set up the tag title match…

7. “Violent By Design” Rhino and Joe Doering (w/Eric Young, Deaner) vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack vs. Fallah Bahh and No Way (Jose) vs. “The Good Brothers” Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson in a four-way match for the Impact Tag Titles. Before the match, Bahh came out and said Impact management asked him to find a replacement for TJP. “I said no, no, no way Jose. Jose had a conga line that included John E Bravo. Jose was listed as “No Way” on the video wall.

There was a showdown moment with Doering and Gallows that didn’t last long because the other wrestlers entered the ring and fought. A short time later, Doering blasted No Way with a big clotheslined and had him pinned, but Mack shoved Rhino onto the pin to break it up. Doering dumped Swann and Mack to ringside. Rhino tagged in and set up for a Gore, but Gallows distracted the referee while Anderson performed a cutter on Rhino. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Rhino and then Gallows pinned him…

“The Good Brothers” Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson defeated Rhino and Joe Doering, Rich Swann and Willie Mack, and Fallah Bahh and No Way in 10:10 to win the Impact Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: I vote for a No Way Jose vs. Matt Cardona match in a loser must reinvent himself match that ends in a double pin. Jose has charisma and got saddled with the bad conga line gimmick on the WWE main roster. I wouldn’t mind seeing him stick around Impact if he’s going to abandon the silliness and change his gimmick, but the conga line routine is a big turnoff for me. More than anything, this felt like a “get everybody on the show” match of the night. It wasn’t all bad or anything. The tag title change doesn’t do much for me because Gallows and Anderson have been glorified henchmen for Kenny Omega in two companies, but perhaps winning the titles will give them the boost that they need.

Kenny Omega and his various titles were shown inside his locker room, then a separate shot aired of Sami Callihan… A video package spotlighted Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo… Alesha Zappitella of Invicta was shown in the crowd…

8. Deonna Purrazzo vs. Thunder Rosa for the Knockouts Championship. Striker noted that Rosa is a former NWA Women’s Champion.

Listen to "11/18 Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast With Jason Powell (Episode 136): Court Bauer on the MLW restart, pandemic precautions, and more" on Spreaker.

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July 18, 2021 at 08:41AM

7/17 Impact Wrestling Slammiversary results: Powell's live review of Kenny Omega vs. Sami Callihan in a No DQ match for the Impact World Championship, Deonna Purrazzo defends the Knockouts Championship against a mystery challenger, Ultimate X -
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